Why You Should Build Your Next Product With AppSync

Room: Cheese & Onion | Time: 3:10 pm
Level: Intermediate

Discover how AWS AppSync revolutionises product development by combining rapid prototyping capabilities with infinite scalability. This talk explores how AppSync serves as the ultimate productivity booster, enabling teams to quickly build and deploy robust, serverless applications that can grow from MVP to enterprise-scale without missing a beat. We’ll delve into AppSync’s key advantages, including its GraphQL-powered collaboration features, seamless AWS service integrations, and error-reducing native connectors. Learn how this cloud-native solution empowers small teams to fully own and scale products, surpassing traditional frameworks while minimising maintenance overhead. Whether you’re a developer or a decision-maker, you’ll gain insights into leveraging AppSync to optimise your tech stack and accelerate your path to market.

Marco Troisi
CTO at Trilo
tags: AppSync, graphQL, serverless