Supercharge Lambda functions with Powertools for AWS Lambda

Room: Cheese & Onion | Time: 2:25 pm
Level: Introductory

AWS Lambda functions are a crucial part of serverless workloads in modern cloud architectures. They can be used for synchronous tasks, such as handling API calls, or for asynchronous tasks, like consuming SQS queues or DynamoDB streams. Lambda functions are designed to get the job done. However, as a developer, using Lambda functions comes with its challenges. Cloud environments are prone to failures, and when dealing with a large number of lambda functions, there is often repetitive code that is not directly related to the business logic and is highly specific to AWS. Powertools for AWS Lambda is a library that helps address these challenges in your Lambda functions. It enhances your functions in areas such as observability, resiliency, and operational excellence. In this talk, we will explore the capabilities of the Powertools library and demonstrate how it can supercharge your lambda functions by applying it to a real-world application. This will bring you closer to achieving the well-architected pillar in AWS.

Raphael Manke
IT consultant building serverless apps
tags: well-architected, serverless, powertools