From Zero to Hero - Frictionless CI/CD pipelines in projen

Room: Salt & Vinegar | Time: 2:25 pm
Level: Advanced

In this presentation, I will explore the innovative concept behind projen-pipelines, a tool designed to revolutionize how we approach continuous delivery (CD) pipelines for AWS CDK applications. The talk will focus less on the technical aspects of the library itself and more on the transformative idea it represents and the ambitious goals it aims to achieve.

Projen-pipelines is not just a tool; it’s a vision for a more efficient, streamlined, and user-friendly approach to managing complex, multi-environment, and multi-account AWS CDK applications. It embodies simplifying infrastructure management by abstracting away the complexities traditionally associated with defining and managing AWS CDK applications.

We will discuss the goals of projen-pipelines, which include reducing the amount of code needed to handle complex deployment scenarios, enhancing efficiency in infrastructure management, and making the process more straightforward for developers of all experience levels.

The talk will also touch on the future of projen-pipelines, including its potential to foster a more collaborative and inclusive open-source community. We will discuss how the tool encourages user contributions, fostering a community-driven approach to continuous improvement and innovation.

Join me as we delve into projen-pipelines’ transformative potential and explore how it aims to redefine our approach to AWS CI/CD pipelines.

Thorsten Hoeger
CEO, Cloud Evangelist @ Taimos
tags: ci/cd, projen, CDK