Cheese & Onion
Salt & Vinegar
Prawn Cocktail
Room: Cheese & Onion
8:00 am to 9:00 am

Opening Remarks
Room: Cheese & Onion
9:00 am to 9:10 am
  • Matt Coulter
  • Kristi Perreault
  • Chloe McAree
  • Matthew Wilson

Opening Keynote: Historical Context: From Makefiles to Infrastructure as Code
Room: Cheese & Onion
9:10 am to 9:40 am
  • Kat Cosgrove

The Hidden Costs of Managed Open Source
Level: Advanced
Room: Cheese & Onion
9:45 am to 10:05 am
  • Ben Bridts
tags: ECS, EKS, SQS, Kinesis
Platform Injection - A Junior Developer's Serverless Journey
Level: Intermediate
Room: Salt & Vinegar
9:45 am to 10:05 am
  • Tanya Vo
  • Arvinth Selvaraj
tags: customer-story, serverless
Chatbot Chronicles: An Intern's Adventure in Serverless Wonder
Level: Introductory
Room: Prawn Cocktail
9:45 am to 10:05 am
  • Yuan Zhang
tags: customer-story, serverless

The Building Blocks of Generative AI
Level: Introductory
Room: Cheese & Onion
10:10 am to 10:40 am
  • Matheus Guimaraes
tags: bedrock, rag, intro
Charting a Course Toward More Resilient Architectures in AWS
Level: Intermediate
Room: Salt & Vinegar
10:10 am to 10:40 am
  • Ryan Batchelder
tags: well-architected, resiliency, architecture
Navigating Post-BSL Terraform: OpenTofu and Beyond for AWS Users
Level: Advanced
Room: Prawn Cocktail
10:10 am to 10:40 am
  • Eve Brennan
tags: open-source, terraform, IAC

Room: Cheese & Onion
10:40 am to 10:55 am
Room: Salt & Vinegar
10:40 am to 10:55 am
Room: Prawn Cocktail
10:40 am to 10:55 am

How Arity has improved services using AWS products
Level: Introductory
Room: Cheese & Onion
10:55 am to 11:15 am
  • Allison Johnston
  • Rachel Smyth
tags: customer-story, kinesis, S3, EMR
Optimising your analytics engine ingestion process via Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion Pipelines
Level: Advanced
Room: Salt & Vinegar
10:55 am to 11:15 am
  • Peter McAree
tags: open-search, DynamoDB, CDK
Scaling for Growth with Modern Cloud
Level: Intermediate
Room: Prawn Cocktail
10:55 am to 11:15 am
  • Alice Moore
tags: customer-story, serverless

Deep dive into Amazon DynamoDB using design puzzles
Level: Advanced
Room: Cheese & Onion
11:20 am to 11:50 am
  • Lee Hannigan
tags: DynamoDB, serverless
Reflecting on the Promise of Meritocracy in Tech: Ladders of Opportunity and Ceilings of Constraint
Level: Intermediate
Room: Salt & Vinegar
11:20 am to 11:50 am
  • Sara Gerion
tags: DEI, deep-dive
Making a Case for Using Relational Databases in Serverless Applications
Level: Intermediate
Room: Prawn Cocktail
11:20 am to 11:50 am
  • Samuel Lock
tags: RDS, serverless, DynamoDB

Cloud optimisation at scale the AWS Well-Architected way
Level: Intermediate
Room: Cheese & Onion
11:55 am to 12:25 pm
  • Nataliya Godunok
tags: well-architected, cost-optimisation, architecture
Migrating 600 databases to AWS, making them better, faster & cheaper
Level: Intermediate
Room: Salt & Vinegar
11:55 am to 12:25 pm
  • Matt Houghton
tags: customer-story, PostgreSQL
High performance Serverless Java on AWS
Level: Intermediate
Room: Prawn Cocktail
11:55 am to 12:25 pm
  • Vadym Kazulkin
tags: java, serverless, snapstart, GraalVM

Mystery of the disappearing s3 keys
Level: Intermediate
Room: Cheese & Onion
12:30 pm to 12:50 pm
  • Simon Hanmer
tags: customer-story, S3
Digital Contact Center - enabling better Customer Experience
Level: Introductory
Room: Salt & Vinegar
12:30 pm to 12:50 pm
  • Johnny O'Kane
tags: customer-story
AWS Builder Cards: The Game-Changer for Learning AWS
Level: Introductory
Room: Prawn Cocktail
12:30 pm to 12:50 pm
  • Bradley McCourt
tags: customer-story, fun, builders-cards

Room: Cheese & Onion
12:50 pm to 1:50 pm
Room: Salt & Vinegar
12:50 pm to 1:50 pm
Room: Prawn Cocktail
12:50 pm to 1:50 pm

Embrace the Arm64 CPU architecture on the Cloud to master Performance, Cost, and Sustainability
Level: Advanced
Room: Cheese & Onion
1:50 pm to 2:20 pm
  • Syl Taylor
tags: graviton, serverless, well-architected
Martial arts and well-architected applications?
Level: Intermediate
Room: Salt & Vinegar
1:50 pm to 2:20 pm
  • Veliswa Boya
tags: well-architected, stakeholder-management
Belfast Community Panel
Room: Prawn Cocktail
1:50 pm to 2:20 pm
  • Fiona Simpson
  • Kristi Perreault
  • Niall Keys
  • Sapphire Duffy
  • Yasmine Rigby
tags: community, open-format

Supercharge Lambda functions with Powertools for AWS Lambda
Level: Introductory
Room: Cheese & Onion
2:25 pm to 2:55 pm
  • Raphael Manke
tags: well-architected, serverless, powertools
From Zero to Hero - Frictionless CI/CD pipelines in projen
Level: Advanced
Room: Salt & Vinegar
2:25 pm to 2:55 pm
  • Thorsten Höger
tags: ci/cd, projen, CDK

Room: Cheese & Onion
2:55 pm to 3:10 pm
Room: Salt & Vinegar
2:55 pm to 3:10 pm

Why You Should Build Your Next Product With AppSync
Level: Intermediate
Room: Cheese & Onion
3:10 pm to 3:40 pm
  • Marco Troisi
tags: AppSync, graphQL, serverless
Faster/Greener/Cheaper Serverless compute with Lambda & Rust
Level: Intermediate
Room: Salt & Vinegar
3:10 pm to 3:40 pm
  • Luciano Mammino
tags: rust, Lambda, serverless
Workshop: Build a Generative AI Enabled Web App
Level: Introductory
Room: Prawn Cocktail
3:10 pm to 4:15 pm
  • Stephen Howell

Search is Dead. Long Live Retrieval!?!
Level: Advanced
Room: Cheese & Onion
3:45 pm to 4:15 pm
  • Gillian McCann
tags: GenAI, RAG
Lessons Learned from 5 Years with the AWS CDK
Level: Advanced
Room: Salt & Vinegar
3:45 pm to 4:15 pm
  • Matthew Bonig
tags: AWS-CDK, deep-dive

Closing Keynote: Navigating the WOW moments : A Career in Tech
Room: Cheese & Onion
4:20 pm to 4:50 pm
  • Derek Bingham

Closing Remarks
Room: Cheese & Onion
4:50 pm to 5:00 pm
  • Matt Coulter
  • Kristi Perreault
  • Chloe McAree
  • Matthew Wilson